Your First Step to Save Money

First Step to save money

So you have been planning to go on a vacation ever since you graduated but failing to save enough? How about that time when you had decided to open your own start up, but gathering enough funds seemed like an impossible task? Well, we have a few tips to get you started.

Monitor expenses

The first step is to monitor your expenses. Write done your current income and document your expenses. You can also divide your expense into a few main categories namely: Cost of living, social costs, and entertainment, everything else must be put towards savings. This will serve a system that you can turn to when monitoring where your extra cash is going towards—it’s obviously not disappearing into thin air.

Carry lunch from home

Although, this tip may not work when your co-workers are going out to lunch or dinner. We suggest you to bring your lunch from home. The average cost of a meal ranges anywhere from $15 to $20, daily. By bringing food from home, you can reduce the amount of money being spent on food and put it towards your savings.

Cash only, lifestyle

Ever heard of someone saying: “If you don’t have the cash, you won’t be able to buy it.” Yup, that is exactly what we are talking about. With a credit/debit card far out of your sight, you will quit buying items that you don’t necessarily need, that too with money that you don’t have. We suggest you make a weekly budget. Take out just enough cash that you need to make it through the month and stick with it. This way, you will limit your expenses and starting saving.

Start small, start today!

We suggest that you start your by setting up a saving from something even as small as $20. Set-up a savings account today and deposit $20. Now, trying to manage your budget with $20 less. With each passing month you can increase this amount and challenge yourself just little. Ultimately, I can assure you that you will be able to save up a hefty sum.

Get rid of items that you don’t need

If you are a hoarder or if you love your television you might now like what we are about to say.

a) Get rid of your television & landline. Landline (if you have one) is something that most of us barely use ever since the invention of cell phone. Get rid of your television, as this will drastically cut down the money you spend. You ask how? Well, less exposure to television means less exposure to ads that are constantly tempting you to purchase items that you don’t need. Switch for a better alternate like Netflix, for $7-$10 a month, you can watch all your favorite shows and save on your cable bill.

b) Find items around your house that you don’t need and sell them off. With handy apps and website like “Letgo,” and “Craigslist,” you can save by selling items.


The key to saving is by starting today and by always looking ahead. There may be instances when you would feel like spending an extra cash, but always keep the bigger picture in mind and aim to do your best at staying on the track towards saving.


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