Get a Private Cash Loan with a Quick Approval Rate

Private Cash Loan

We all face difficult times in life wherein we don’t have enough money to pay our bills and emergency expenses. We need a little help from time to time, and that’s what loans are for. There are different types of loans based on the purpose of use. However they’re all designed for people to borrow in times of need.

A good lender makes sure you are comfortable with the terms and conditions and allows you to pay the money back at your own pace. A private cash loan can be useful when you’re looking for a source to get money quickly. The main objective is to have easy access to a large amount of cash at any time.

While searching for the best lender, you must consider several factors such as; the terms and conditions, extra fees that add up to the original loan, interest rates and the loan term.

We at Canadian Cash Solutions make sure that our borrowers get the required without draining their monthly budget. Our car title loan service is open for all. Even the ones having a bad financial history can apply for our loan as long as they have a lien-free vehicle. All they have to do is fill up an online application form and send it over. 

Why Choose Us?


Canadian Cash Solutions is one of the best private cash loan lenders in Canada. Our objective is to provide you with a fair and secure financial solution that will make your life easier. We understand the needs of our clients that’s why we come up with loan programs that meet those needs.

  1. Keep your car 
  2. No prepayment penalty
  3. No job requirement
  4. No Credit Checks
  5. Same Day Cash

Getting a loan is easy and when you apply from us, it gets even more simpler. We need the following paperwork from you and you are one step closer to getting a quick private cash loan:

  • Lien-free vehicle title
  • A valid ID issued by the government
  • Vehicle registration papers
  • Vehicle insurance papers 
  • Proof of permanent address
  • Proof of legal age 
  • Valid Canadian driver’s license

We offer our services in all Canadian provinces so you have access to private financing no matter where you live. We go out of our way to help people like you get the money they need for bills, debt consolidation, home repairs or other emergency expenses that come up unexpectedly. 


You can apply online without having to leave your home and wait for days for the approval. Contact us today by calling our toll-free number at 855-622-8564. You can apply online too.


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